Friday, May 31, 2019

Lawrence Ferlinghettis Politics :: essays research papers fc

Lawrence Ferlinghettis PoliticsI hope I wont seem too politically incorrect for saying this but afterimmersing myself in the writings of the guilt-obsessed neuter Jack Kerouac, theridiculously horny Allen Ginsberg and the just plain sordid William S.Boroughs... its nice to read a few poems by a guy who can buy off excited about a slim candy store under the El or a pretty woman letting a stocking flatten out to thefloor (Literary Kicks).For casual reading, Lawrence Ferlinghettis poetry is cheerful andhumorous. At best it is a welcome break for the mainstream of the beatgeneration. Inside his poetry, deep rooted criticisms of the coupled Statesexist. Ferlinghetti has had an anti-government attitude since the 1950s. Hisbeliefs strengthened when he was put on trial for publishing a highlycontroversial collection of poems written by Allen Ginsberg. LawrenceFerlinghetti has chosen to submit his political views through his poetry.Additionally, Ferlinghetti became more vocal with the u se of protests andfurther publication of controversial and/or anti-government materials throughhis publishing house, New Directions. By using poetry, Ferlinghetti was fitted toreach a vast audience including those whom he was criticizing. Through hispoetry, Lawrence Ferlinghetti blatantly and subtly criticized the Americandemocratic system and politicians.In 1957, Ferlinghetti received his first national attention.Ferlinghetti was arrested and brought to trial as the publisher of a collectionof begrimed poetry, Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg (Alspaugh 1148).Eventually he was cleared of the charges of publishing and sale of obscenewritings. Since his involvement in the obscenity trial, Ferlinghetti becamequite cynical of the government. After the trial ended, Lawrence Ferlinghetticanceled all government grants coming to him and to any writers under hispublishing house. Currently he still disallows the acceptance of governmentgrants to any of his writers (Alspaugh 1146). Ec onomically speaking,Ferlinghetti did benefit from the trial. The publicity created by the trialattracted new names to New Directions Publishing. The publicity also was keenenough to propel Lawrence Ferlinghettis image to the degree where he couldsuccessfully release his second collection of poetry, A Coney Island of the Mind.In most of Ferlinghettis work, he has shown a concern with political issues. His poetry often addresses political subjects... (Nasso 196). The KennedyAssassination, McCarthyism and the Vietnam conflict were all topics in severalFerlinghetti poems (Oppenheimer 136). Lawrence Ferlinghettis past incidentsinvolving the government influenced his poetry and consequentially he has littlerespect for government. Ferlinghettis... poetry offered blatant tiradesagainst the destructive tendencies of Americas political leadership (Trosky136).Politics are themes in virtually all of Ferlinghettis works.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Duties of Project Managers :: essays research papers

Must be able to handle 5 to 6 projects at one time as wellspring as handle requests for quotes for future work. So says a job posting for a project manager. There are many different criteria asked for and sham when it comes to project management. Also a basic generic criterion all project managers either have studied or performed. The following is a petty list of only three of the non-basic criteria1.A defense contractor requires a Project Manager who is proficient in electronic troubleshooting. The company also requests that the PM have at least 10 years experience at actually being the project manager.2.A small glass company dear Tampa, Florida, requires the PM to be strong in accounting skills.3.A construction company stresses that their PM must have the ability to handle 5 to 6 projects at one time as well as handle requests for quotes for future work previously mentioned at the beginning.Showing these postings as an example stresses the various applications a PM is exposed to. The ability to adapt and change must be strong within the PM as well as the brass in question. Mentioned earlier in this paper, there are specific areas of study or experience a PM must know to be considered a PM. According to the article, Getting Started in Project Management (The Hampton Group) there are eight areas to master1.Scope and CharterA charter is simply a contract between the project members. These members include the project manager and the stakeholders involved. This contract, signed or just verbally agreed to, is generally the single most consequential tool a project manager can use, if used in the correct manner. It sets the basis of growth for the project. (Template) The scope of the project will set the tonicity of the project. It defines the limits and it sets the result. Utilizing concepts such as conceptual thinking and if the suppress result is created at the beginning of the project, the success of the project is quantifiable and is able to flex with t he projects movements. To create the scope, a PM asks the stakeholders what their meaning of success is in terms of the project in question. What will have to be attained before the stakeholders are satisfied with end results.2.Work Breakdown StructureThe WBS determines the exact nature of the tasks required to complete the project (Meredith and Mendel, p 162). The WBS, typically used after a pull in understanding of the project is clear (Blair), will breakdown the project into pieces that are even more easily understood.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Ouija Boards :: essays research papers fc

Ouija Boards     For those of you that do not know what a ouija scorecard is, it is a device apply to supposedly ask questions of and receive answers from a seeminglysupernatural force. Using a ouija board has become a controversial subject. Some tidy sum ask them as "evil" or a "tool of the Devil", yet they continue to besold in stores along Scrabble and Monopoly as a game.     The Ouija board was invented in the early 1890s by William Fuld. It isnow sold by Parker Brothers. A ouija board is a small board with various symbolsprinted on its surface. These symbols let in all letters of the alphabet, thenumbers 1 to 9 and 0, and the words yes and no. A smaller board, shaped like aheart, called a planchette or cursor is used to direct the answers.     Two or more people rest a Ouija board on their laps and press theirfingers lightly on the pointer. One of them asks the board a question. Thepointer supposedly answers by indicating a word or a number or by spelling step upwords. According to people who believe in the ouija board, spirits blow over thepointer. Others think the fingers of the questioner influence the pointer.     There are basic guidelines that should be followed for using Ouijaboards. If any of you are unbidden to try one you should check out some of thesafe things to do to protect yourself or anyone else from possible harm. As manypeople improvise a ouija board as a game, it is incessantly best to protect yourself.Where thither is no protection from evil forces extremely frightening things canoccur. Sinister messages can be spelt out, claimed to come from the devil. As to be that no one person is purposely pushing the pointer, tales have been toldof all removing their fingers except one, and the pointer continuing to make vibrant soundsaround in manic bearing - or of the pointer jumping up in the air or hurlingitself off the table and smashing. similarly evil spirits have been cognize to lieabout who they are tricking the users into further danger.     You have to be the judge of the information you receive. To believeeverything that comes through on the board just because its from the other fountis extremely gullible, and is like believing everything that you read in the new-fangledspaper or see on TV. If your mind tells you theres something wrong, thereprobably is . If the information youre getting seems new to you, compare itwith other channeled material and see if youre comfortable with it.Ouija Boards essays research papers fc Ouija Boards     For those of you that do not know what a ouija board is, it is a deviceused to supposedly ask questions of and receive answers from a seeminglysupernatural force. Using a ouija board has become a controversial subject. Somepeople regard them as "evil" or a "tool of the Devil", yet they continue to besold in stores alo ng Scrabble and Monopoly as a game.     The Ouija board was invented in the early 1890s by William Fuld. It isnow sold by Parker Brothers. A ouija board is a small board with various symbolsprinted on its surface. These symbols include all letters of the alphabet, thenumbers 1 to 9 and 0, and the words yes and no. A smaller board, shaped like aheart, called a planchette or pointer is used to direct the answers.     Two or more people rest a Ouija board on their laps and press theirfingers lightly on the pointer. One of them asks the board a question. Thepointer supposedly answers by indicating a word or a number or by spelling outwords. According to people who believe in the ouija board, spirits guide thepointer. Others think the fingers of the questioner influence the pointer.     There are basic guidelines that should be followed for using Ouijaboards. If any of you are willing to try one you should check out some of thes afe things to do to protect yourself or anyone else from possible harm. As manypeople improvise a ouija board as a game, it is always best to protect yourself.Where there is no protection from evil forces extremely frightening things canoccur. Sinister messages can be spelt out, claimed to come from the devil. As toprove that no one person is purposely pushing the pointer, tales have been toldof all removing their fingers except one, and the pointer continuing to whizaround in manic fashion - or of the pointer jumping up in the air or hurlingitself off the table and smashing. Also evil spirits have been known to lieabout who they are tricking the users into further danger.     You have to be the judge of the information you receive. To believeeverything that comes through on the board just because its from the other sideis extremely gullible, and is like believing everything that you read in thenewspaper or see on TV. If your mind tells you theres something wrong , thereprobably is . If the information youre getting seems new to you, compare itwith other channeled material and see if youre comfortable with it.

Catholic Theology Essay Highlights -- essays research papers

*Sense experiences/depth experiences non limited by the empirical data-the really real is not necessarily able to be seen.*Religious exist (depth experience) Not just a sense experience, an experience that ca affairs people to change, al commissions touches on the other (the transcendent)-that which goes beyond our understanding (anything that we can come up with) (ie..who can really explain the sunset?).*Orthopraxis (Right-practice) The process of doing the right things.*Orthodoxy Believing the right thing.*Sacramental Approach Sacraments use the world around us as a way/event in which we encounter God The way we do that is being involved with disembodied spirit/experiences in this world-that we are able to reach God in the afterlife (ex eating is a way of being joined w/ God).*The things of this world matter-it becomes the way we reach God on the road to reaching eternal happiness (meeting God).*Foundation theology/Fundamental Theology Explains what theology is all about.*The ology confidence seeking understanding we need doctrine initiative before understanding can be reached.*Determining the cannon (cannon of scripture) list of writings that adequately declaim the faith of the community.*Apacal Writings didnt make it onto the list (cannon) because they didnt adequately express what the community expressed as far as their understanding of faith.C.Rahner Sees theology as the science/study of faith (it has excepted way of doing things).*Theology has a special subject matter the act & content of faith*Act what it room to be a believer/a person of faith*Also sees faith as the goal of theology*We have to have faith 1st (its a gift given to us by God)*Theology doesnt assume faith, it produces it. Theology is a practical science, it impels us to put what we pick out into action-practice what you preach.*delivererian faith is a community based function, not an individual function.*Revelation The historical passing over/on of beliefs (the interpretation o f faith).*Catholic Theology Lives build on faith in God who has been mediated to human beings through Jesus Christ.*Formative Factors in Theology (Macquarrie) where we get our theology from 1. Experience2. Revelation God making himself ... ...esus as the definitive divine revelation of God in the world.*Christ accepted as the center of the universe and the hope of humanity.*Christ as both the way to realization of full humanity and the disclosure of the true face of God.*Act of faith embraces*Orthodoxy (Creed)*Orthopoiesis (Code)*Orthopraxis (Cult)*Difference between religious faith and primordial faith in the nature of the act of religious faith*Object of religious faith is transcendent and transcendental.*Interior grace first grace, witching(prenominal) existential, unrestricted desire to know and love (love doesnt know boundaries)*Exterior grace second grace (based on message for community), Gods revelation in Christ.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society Essay

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society The German political philosopher and subversive, Karl Marx is best known for his stand concepts of society. His socialist views are best seen in his work Communist Manifesto. As one of the most influential thinkers of all times, he was able to convey revolutionary ideas in a manner that all could understand. Due to its comprehendible nature and usefulness to the people of his time this document was widely popular among commoners of the Nineteenth Century. In fact some historians refer to the Manifesto as the first systematic statement about modern socialism the world has ever seen. Powerful linguistic communication and fueled by desires for better standards of living this great historical document forever changed the world. The Manifesto has been a major influence in all-communist literature since its topic in 1848. Translated in many languages and published in hundreds of millions of copies the piece has spurred wars, massacres, and countless protests. The Communist Manifesto was written as a response to a unheated hard world, and ever since then the world has been responding to it with rejection and praise. The works of Karl Marx have influenced and inspired millions of lives throughout human history. 1 During the Nineteenth century when Marx and Engels created The Communist Manifesto, the bourgeois rejected their work, yet it was openly accepted by thousands of proletariats. The immediate response was not only found in Marxs true followers, members of the Communist League. These people powerfully supported and believed in the ideals of socialism. The central idea at the heart of the Communist Manifesto was Marx theory of histo... ...ited1 Attack on Capitalism ( Waterloo Canada and the World, 1999). 19-22. 2 Karl Marx 3 March 2002. http// (16 April 2002).3 Friedrich Engels. 26 February 2002. http/ / (16 April 2002).4 Rich Kuhn. Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848. 13 December 1999. http// (16 April 2002).5 Gerhard Rempel. War Communism. http// (16 April 2002).6 Mathew White. 30 hit Atrocities of The 20TH Century. June 2000. http// (16 April 2002).7 Gilman, Antonio. The Communist Manifesto, 150 Years Later. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1998.

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society Essay

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Its Influence on Society The German political philosopher and radical, Karl Marx is best known for his tooth root concepts of society. His socialist views are best seen in his work Communist Manifesto. As one of the most influential thinkers of all times, he was able to convey revolutionary ideas in a manner that all could understand. Due to its comprehendible nature and usefulness to the people of his time this document was widely popular among commoners of the Nineteenth Century. In fact some historians refer to the Manifesto as the first systematic statement about modern socialism the world has ever seen. Powerful lyric poem and fueled by desires for better standards of living this great historical document forever changed the world. The Manifesto has been a major influence in all-communist literature since its government issue in 1848. Translated in many languages and published in hundreds of millions of copies the p iece has spurred wars, massacres, and countless protests. The Communist Manifesto was written as a response to a shabby hard world, and ever since then the world has been responding to it with rejection and praise. The works of Karl Marx have influenced and inspired millions of lives throughout human history. 1 During the Nineteenth century when Marx and Engels created The Communist Manifesto, the bourgeois rejected their work, yet it was openly accepted by thousands of proletariats. The immediate response was not only found in Marxs true followers, members of the Communist League. These people strongly supported and believed in the ideals of socialism. The central idea at the heart of the Communist Manifesto was Marx theory of histo... ...ited1 Attack on Capitalism ( Waterloo Canada and the World, 1999). 19-22. 2 Karl Marx 3 March 2002. http// (16 April 2002).3 Friedrich Engels. 26 February 2002. http//www (16 April 2002).4 Rich Kuhn. Manifesto of the Communist Party 1848. 13 December 1999. http// (16 April 2002).5 Gerhard Rempel. War Communism. http// (16 April 2002).6 Mathew White. 30 polish off Atrocities of The 20TH Century. June 2000. http// (16 April 2002).7 Gilman, Antonio. The Communist Manifesto, 150 Years Later. Oxford Oxford University Press, 1998.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Review Case Study Dogfight over Europe: RyanAir Essay

1. Overview of RyanAirRyanAir was founded in 1985 by Tony Ryan who former has been worked in Aer Lingus. It established to cater schedule passanger airline armed services between Ireland and UK as an alternative flight to the state monopoly carrier, Aer Lingus. Initially, RyanAir was a full-service conventional airline, with two classes of seating and leasing three different types of aircraft.RyanAirs objective was to maintain its position as Europes leading miserable-fare airline, operating frequently point to point flights on short-haul flights, mainly out of regional and secondary airports.Its strategy was based on providing a no-frills service with low fare designed to stimulate demand, particularly from budget-conscious leisure and business travelers who world power not pull in travelled at all.MissionRyanair aims to offer low fares that generate growthd passenger traffic while maintaining a continuous centre on damage commitment and operating efficiencies.VisionTo firml y establish itself as Europes leading low-fares scheduled passenger airline done continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service. mensuratesRyanair is committed to bring customers the lowest fares and most on-time flights out in comparison to all competitors. Most importantly are safeguard issues, punctuality, near-perfect baggage handling, and the green insurance.GoalsRyanair plans to increase efficiency and lower costs even elevate in comparison to indus approximate rivals. The company wants to become the 2nd largest multi depicted object airline.2. Internal abridgmentRyanairs success was based on a skilful adaptation of the Southwest Airline model focusing on the cost leadership. It benefits from the first mover advantage as it has implemented the budget model first in the European market by negotiating best rates thinkable with secondary airports. Ryanair has established a single type aircraft fleet that saves on training costs, point-to-point flight s that enable fast turn-around times and flights to secondary airports that save airport tap costs. all(prenominal) of them enable Ryanair to keep its operations extremely efficient.Furthermore, Ryanair sub contracts employees on temporary basis, which again saves the company huge expenses making it flexible and adaptable to environmental changes. Figure A2 illustrates all the key points as a summary. Further savings are generated through Ryanairs website where no advertisement is necessary. Through ancillary revenues as e.g. on-board gaming and car renting Ryanair manages to generate exaltedly satisfying 20% of its revenues. The low-cost business strategy has been successfully integrated into the Porters Value Chain. The Resource Based View Model shows the internal analysis as a summary.3. External AnalysisPESTLE Analysis is a suitable shit in order to analyse the external environment. It summarises all the external factors, which might create opportunities or cause significant threat to Ryanairs operations.PoliticalThe governmental institution European Union affects Ryanairs strategy and operations by establishing legislations and restrictions in the airline industry. For example, the regulation setting a ceiling on fast hours in order to prevent pilots fatigue forces Ryanair to hire more employees. In addition, the EU demands to refund air passengers in case of delays or cancelled flights. alike, the EU might increase the emission fees. All thoseEU regulations mustiness be considered and Ryanairs strategy has to be accordingly adjusted in order to avoid a negative impact on the business. In addition, Ryanair should be aware of regional distinctions as the Irish tourist tax and national government laws acting in favour of national airlines that increase Ryanairs costs, e.g. national employees contracts in different countries have different terms and conditions that must be applied and are more expensive.EconomicalRyanair saves costs by operating ov er secondary airports. In that way they avoid primary airport charges and extra costs. The economics downturn in 2009 has shown that Ryanair as the leading budget airline can offer the cheapest flights attracting customers and still generate returns. As long as the low fares are guaranteed Ryanair result do well in comparison to its competitors. But if fuel worth fluctuations occur, an increase in price will lead to an increase of Ryanairs operating costs causing problems to guarantee low fares, which stand for the core competence of Ryanair. Failures in hedging, as it happened in year 2008, should be avoided. Also exchange rates should be observed as they might lead to supply chain disruptions.SocialCustomers perceive Ryanairs customer service as wretched, as the passengers expect to be compensated for cancelled and delayed flights. The poor working conditions cause legal and safety issues that can scare established and electric potence new customers away. Additionally, the pr ovoking and misleading advertisements lead to a boastful image of Ryanair from customer perspective. Those social factors should not be ignored, as customers are key for further growth and market expansion.TechnologicalRyanair has successfully demonstrated how to make use of modern technology in order to save costs. Ryanairs online check-in policy and marketing on Ryanairs website demonstrates how to make use of the Internet technology avoiding expenses of travel agents and excessive advertising. Besides, iftechnology such as on-board Internet connection and boob tube are offered for a fee they can generate additional revenue on board.LegalRyanair is involved in a few legal battles with Stansted and capital of Ireland airport that raise their departure duties. Besides, Ryanairs misleading and provoking advertisement assault media law and civil law resulting in high penalty fees. The poor working conditions and insufficient training might be an issue of labour law. Additionally, th e poor working conditions lead to safety issues and can cause a bad image. All those legal issues are causing handling-, penalty fees and court expenses that should be limited.4. Porters 5 Forces AnalysisThe Porters Five Forces modelling helps to identify the gentleness of an industry in terms of five competitive forces. In Ryanairs case it determines if the European budget airline industry is an attractive one. (see Figure A6)1) The Threat of EntryThe low fares industry, especially, with established leading players as Ryanair, is really hard to enter. The entrants submit high capital requirements in order togenerate high economies of scale to compete in the European market. Besides, access to distribution channels is required. That means that the factor threat of new entrants is pretty low.2) The Threat of SubstitutesA service that creates equivalent value to the customers as the airline industry does is the railway networks, sea transports and car rental firms. The only signifi cant threat is the train service because the other options are too expensive. Even though Europe has a good train network like EuRail, the disadvantage of trains is the journey time. It takes much longer to come about a destination by train than by plane, which results in a higher opportunity & transaction costs. To conclude, the threat of substitute is low.3) The dicker power of buyersCustomers have a high bargaining power because switching to another airline is simple and there are no additional expenses required (e.g. EasyJet and Virgin Express). Especially, in a strategy of cost leadership each customer becomes important. Besides, an increasing problem is that more and more competitors start to offer cheap prices, as well.4) The bargaining power of suppliersThe bargaining power of suppliers is high, as there are only two manufacturers competing in the aircraft industry. Supplier switching costs are high, as the pilots will need to be retrained and high capital investments must be made. Ryanairs main supplier has traditionally been Boeing. But Ryanair can allow itself to change suppliers because of its level-headed cash flow and because it has already tried to purchase Airbus aircrafts after the purchase of 200 jets from Boeing got cancelled.5) The extent of Rivalry between competitorsThe number of competitors that are trying to re-create Ryanairs cost leadership is increasing. As the market character of the budget airline is only 30% of the whole airline industry the market contains the potential to grow. This might also be the problem for Ryanair and its expansion strategy. As the threat of entry is high the extent of rivalry stays as middle.5. SWOT Analysisa) Strength1) Point-to-Point flights.2) Low Fare3) Low Operating Cost (Outsourced)b) Weakness1) Less customer service2) Poor working conditionsc) Opportunity1) Market share expansion2) Establish good relationships with labour unions as BALPA3) Ryanairs website presence and modern technology4) Compe tition Committee who control harm competitorsd) Threatness1) EU regulation2) Oil price3) Legal Issues4) Substitute Transportation6. Evaluation of Michael OLearys LeadershipMichael OLeary is an extraordinary figure and key personality in Ryanairs management. He owns an aggressive and innovative leadership course. His statements are provoking and direct. Even though he has a deep financial understanding and became a wealthy person by selling 5 billion of Ryanairs shares, he still lives the life of a middle-class person.Strong Leadership styleOLeary has an energetic, motivating leadership style. Former employees are praising his leadership style and he received a the European Businessman Award from the mag Fortune.Innovation abilitiesOLeary persuades Ryanair to adopt the strategy model of Southwest Airlines even though the majority of the management team was not willing to do so. He was the inventor of charges for online check-in.Skilful PromoterOLeary was able to bring Ryanair to th e customers by doing provoking stunts and curious advertisement. He always managed to attract the attention of the media and was able to spew the company Ryanair on the first page in the news.Maintaining Core Competencies and effective Organizational Culture Over the years, OLeary managed to build a low-cost tillage amongst Ryanair workforce. The corporate culture determines how Ryanair operates and conducts its business.Developing Human and Social CapitalSocial capabilities are OLearys disadvantage. As he is totally focussed to cover out everything out of the available resource, e.g. the employees, to lower costs and offer the lowest price, he forgets about the social component. If he and the company want to survive they need to start developing closer relationships without exploiting all the resources. Ryanair has to manage to move away from an autocratic leadership style and transfer to a democratic one.7. RecommendationSO strategyRyanair should definitely proceed with its pla n to open up 146 routes in year 2010 according to its five years plan. Expanding further in the market be the goal to achieve economies of scale that provide a guarantee to offer the lowest price in the airline industry. Moreover, Ryanair should make use of the strengths as its young, common land aircraft fleet and start to promote a Greening-image. Besides, more revenue can be generated by increasing cross-selling over the website.ST strategyRyanair should keep buying the newest aircraft models from Boing as supplier. That will allow Ryanair to minimise its emission costs that will lead to competitive prices. Especially, in time of increased competition Ryanair should promote the greening image. In times of an economics downturn Ryanair can even allow to raise the prices as the competition is forced to do the same and Ryanair possesses a wide price difference of 89% compared to its competitors.WO strategyIn order to counteract against the bad public image because of controversial advertisement and poor customer service Ryanair should try to look for a dialogue with labour unions and its customers. The successful dialogues with the labour unions should be promoted in marketing channels. Furthermore, Ryanairs website should be equipped with a feedback area for customerscomplaints. The complaints must be constantly reviewed and responded.WT StrategyRyanair should definitely pay attention to its public image. The poor customer service and safety issues can scare away customers. All problems concerning safety must be eliminated. In order to decrease the pressure from employees more staff should be hired.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Persuasive Advertising Essay

Advertising plays an important role in our diverse, media-saturated world. It surrounds our everyday lives. It is in everything we do, whether we are looking for a number in the phone directory, taking a ride d sustain a road, or watching TV. fit to Jamie Becketts article in San Francisco Chronicle, The average U. S. adult is bombarded by 255 advertisements every day100 on TV, 60 in magazines, 50 on the radio, and 45 in sunrise(prenominal)spapers (Beckett). More recently, Advertising Age estimated that the average Ameri faecal matter sees, hears, or reads more than 5,000 persuasive ads a day, which means that there is almost nowhere we can avoid their presence.Today, ad agencies spend more than $300 one thousand thousand in the United States and $500 billion worldwide on advertising. Therefore, we can acknowledge that advertising is created in a results-oriented perspective that will increase companies and organizations shekels in the forms of purchases, donations, votes, joining s, etc. This perspective can be achieved by using manipulative and persuasive techniques in advertising that would get peoples attention. These messages go forth in many formatsprint and electronic, verbal and visual, logical and ablaze.As Stuart Hirschberg wrote in his essay The Rhetoric of Advertising, The most common manipulative techniques are knowing to run consumers want to consume to satisfy deep-seated human drives. In purchasing a certain product, we are offered to create ourselves, our personality, and our relationships through consumption (Hirschberg 229). Thus, we from each one become the puts of this form of persuasion that delectations pathos, positive images, and/or deceptive language to influence our needs, interests, and decisions.The ad from Martha Stewart Living magazine shows its readers a new Honda CR-V automobile. Also, the company at the same time introduces its new campaign called the jump out List to the magazines primary audience that more often t han not consists of women ages 25 to 45. This campaign encourages people to get in a list of the desired things they want to accomplish before the major event happens in their lives, such as the birth of their children. As we see, the ad is mostly headed at younger consumers of the magazine who are looking for a better appearance of the car and new opportunities in their lives.The company offers to achieve these things with its new CR-V automobiles by using some of the aforementioned influential techniques, such as pathos, visual arts, deceptive claims, and weasel words in order to get viewers attention, establish believability and trust, stimulate desires for the product, and the most important, motivate the audience to buy it. Pathos is the most powerful and effective tool in advertising. As stated by Hirschberg, The emotional appeals in ads function exactly the way assumptions about value do in the written arguments.They supply the unstated major premise that supplies a rule t o persuade an audience that a particular product will meet one or another of several different kinds of needs (Hirschberg 229). Due to the accompaniment that human beings are initially emotional creatures who are more likely to be persuaded by emotions and feelings, and then rational by thinking and reacting, advertisers use both positive and negative emotional appeals to force and influence our minds. One of the ubiquitous emotional appeals in advertising is the use of the you word, which is supposed to address the message to each individual.In its ad, Honda uses the you word five times by making the ad more personalised and stressing consumers personal benefits from purchasing the companys new car. In my opinion, Honda evokes positive as well as negative emotional appeals in its ad. There is an orange, bold title in the ad that says Before I shed kids I want to and then there is an illustrated list of ten goals. It includes flying a plane, rock climbing, skyaking, sailing, runni ng a marathon, learning to scuba, mountain-cycling, learning to pick the banjo, borderland in a Mardi Gras parade, and taking up archery.As the viewer, I can say that this list catches my eyes because the goals in the ad are interesting and they make me feel enthusiastic and excited. In my opinion, Honda demonstrates our freedom and variety of opportunities that we can achieve by doing the things that we enjoy and like. After recitation and seeing these examples, the audience starts to visualize its own desires and the shipway of achieving their personal goals. The ad makes us feel motivated and excited about pursuing our dreams and wishes.On the other hand, the company persuades its readers to think and feel flagitious of wasting their time and not achieving the things they want the most. That is why the company offers its all-new, 31-mpg-highway Honda CR-V that would deliver the potential buyers to wherever they want to go and whatever things they want to accomplish. In our g roundbreaking world of technologies and computers, advertisers turn over recourse to artistic design, computer graphics, high-tech artis accent, special effects, digital sounds, and computer animation that can help them to get various kinds of viewers attention.A study made by the University of Georgia has found that exposure to visual art in advertising, even if the exposure is fleeting, makes consumers evaluate products more positively. According to Henrik Hagtvedt, the artist and one of the researchers of this study, Visual arts have historically been used as a tool for persuasion. It has been used to sell everything from religion to political relation to spaghetti sauce to the artists image (Hagtvedt). The same strategy can be observed in the Honda CR-V automobile ad that consists of many bright, positive images and bright blazons.The color of the presented car is shiny Metallic Silver that typifies elegance, patience, modesty, and reliability. According to Pat Bertrams articl e What the Color of Your Car Says About You, People who drive silver vehicles have above average confidence about the course of their lives, and they also have consistent mood (Bertram). Besides, this color is unisex and suits both females and males. other visual catchy feature in the ad is tinted car windows. What is this for?In my opinion, advertisers make our eyes focused on the car itself rather than the interior or background and they try to accentuate the look of the vehicle. The tinted car implies the feeling of security and privacy that is becoming very popular in the modern society. Also, the direction of the car heading towards the illustrations of the goals from the Leap List emphasizes the companys statement of helping viewers to achieve their aspirations. Another widespread element of reaching and influencing the audience is the use of weasel words and questionable language.Asking personal questions in ads shows us one of the deceptive techniques in language used in advertising. The question used in the Honda CR-V ad leaves its readers wonder about the answer. What are you waiting for? asks the ad, the question that viewers usually cannot answer. The tactic of asking the rhetorical question provokes curiosity and creates interests that make people think, desire, and visualize themselves having the product. Another kind of common deception in ads is the use of weasel words.The frequency of using the weasel words can be observed not only in politics but in advertising as well. According to Hirschberg, Of all the techniques advertisers use to influence what people believe and how they spend their money, none is more basic than the use of so-called weasel words that retract the meaning of the words they are next to just as a weasel sucks the meat out of egg (Hirschberg 232). As the target audience, we repeatedly see, read, or hear such weasel words as helps, free, virtually, like, new, as much as, faster, or better.These ambiguous words allow pers uaders to say something without really expression anything and make us believe in the importance of purchasing their products. The ad in Martha Stewart Living magazine states that the companys new technologically advanced, up-for-almost-anything new Honda CR-V automobile was built to help us check off every last item from our leap lists. By using the word helps, Honda offers a resolving power and aid to the consumers problems, but in reality the company promises nothing really concrete. So the word helps lets the companies escape from its supposed promises.At first sight, advertising seems to be relatively simple in structure, format, and availability, but its content and depth is complex. Hirschberg said, Whether ads are presented as sources of information enabling the consumer to make educated choices between products or aim at offering memorable images or witty, thoughtful, or poetic copy, the underlying intent of all advertising is to persuade the specific audience (Hirschberg 227). After reading The Rhetoric of Advertising, I learned that pathos is a very powerful and influential approach in advertising.I also started to analyze the expatiate used in ads because all of them have different purposes. It is very helpful to know the techniques advertisers use to get our attention as well as the ways they apply the language and visualization. Personally, I started to pay more attention to colors that advertisers use in ads because each of these colors has its own definition and characteristic that can influence our perceptions of the images. As we may observe, advertisers do not waste any inch of the ad space on adding unnecessary information, but they also do not provide all specifics and features about their products.That is why, as the primary audience, we should be more skeptical and questionable of what we see and want to buy. In the ad created by Honda, we can see pathos, bright images, and claims that can attract the potential buyers attention. John OToole, the former president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, believed that the consumers should be at the center of the process, and that the only kind of language either verbal or nonverbal effectively persuades the consumers as an individual.As discussed earlier, disclosing peoples desires and making the personalized ad makes this Honda ad from Martha Stewart Living magazine more attractive and memorable to the viewers. Advertisers also used the persuasive language that we can observe in the ad in the forms of weasel words and question claims. Overall, I found this ad well made and interesting to analyze because it consists of different influential and persuasive techniques that we can make after reading Stuart Hirschbergs essay The Rhetoric of Advertising.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

War Poetry Wilfred Owen

War Poetry I have studied two poems, Dulce et decorum est and The Sentry both by the poet Wilfred Owen. The commencement ceremony one I will study is Dulce et Decorum est. The first thing Owen does is to give us a vivid description of what is happening, he tells us that he and his men are marching away from the trenches, and the way Owen describes his men gives us a clear picture of what they have been through. Bent double, like old beggars on a lower floor sacks, knock-kneed, coughing like hags They had been in the trenches, terrible places, with bullets and shells flying constantly overhead, explosions all around, the constant fear of death.These men were leaving the hell of the front, they were going to rest. But they alleviate have a long way to go before they are safe, they are be quiet within the range of artillery. Despite of this, they march on towards their removed rest, they are walking in deep mud, which covered most of the battlefield, and for this reason, there are some of the men have no boots on, but still they limp on, blood shod. They are described as being drunk with fatigue, they are exhausted, but still, they march on. Then suddenly, the call gaseous stateGas Quick boys , a gas shell had dropped nearby. Gas was the most brutal of weapons used in the war, it burned the skin, the eyes, and when breathed in, it burnt the lungs, which the body accordingly filled with water, bringing on a slow agonising death for the unfortunate victim. The soldiers reaction to this attack is described as an ecstasy of fumbling, which is a great way of describing what is happening, the men are trying desperately to get out their gas masks before they are engulfed by the cloud.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Interpretive vs. Escapist

Interpretive vs. Escapist As defined by Arp and Johnson, commercial fiction, or escapist books, is fiction written to meet the taste of a wide popular audience and relying usually on tested formulas for satisfying such taste (Arp 744). Arp and Johnson also state that literary fiction, otherwise known as interpretive lit, is fiction written with serious artistic intentions, providing an imagined experience yielding real insights into some significant aspect of life (Arp 745).In Once upon a Time, Nadine Gordimer uses a unique combination of both interpretive and escapist literature styles to portray a message that there is no way to absolutely guarantee a persons safety. Although Nadine Gordimer does use some fixingss of the escapist literature style to develop this piece of fiction, the floor is primarily interpretive literature. Arp and Johnson state that literary fiction plunges us, through the fountains imaginative vision and artistic ability, more deeply into the real world (Arp 4).In Once upon a Time, Gordimer leaves the reader to his or her own insights as to what could have been done to obviate the particular kayoedcome. She does not point out any particular moral to the story, but instead lets the reader absorb the familys plight. The escapist style is recognise in the bedtime story that the narrator createsthe story within the story. In this story the emphasis is on plot rather than on character development, and the characters argon apparently lacking the full dynamic fictional character that the reader identifies in the round character.Yet, again, unlike escapist literature, the conclusion of this story is far from the happily ever by and by endings of its type, and, being that there is no real moral to the story, in this way also, it is thusly rendered more interpretive. The interpretive style is also apparent in the composes choice of plot. The plot, unlike the typical escapist piece of literature, is non-linear the ending, as opposed to the happy ending of an escapist literature piece, is indeterminate. In the beginning, the reader is introduced to a person who is experiencing anxiety, and this person then begins her own story.The reader is never brought back to the story of the narrator. As the narrators initial conflict corpse undefended at the closing of the story, the ending is indeterminate. In the bedtime story also, the problem is unsolved at the end. Instead, the narrator ends the story in a decidedly sardonic do by of the traditional They lived happily ever by and by story. Due to both of these points, Once upon a Time would be described as a non-linear story. Though she is the near realistic character in the entire work of fiction, the character of the narrator is also more flat than round.Her situation is described to the reader in agonising detail and in such a way that the reader will identify with her. However, her behavior is very typical of a person in her position. alter in the middle of t he night as she was and hearing a creaking of the kind made by the weight carried by one foot after another along a wooden floor (Gordimer 183), the reader could not expect any matter else but fear. Her roundness is shown in her slight internal conflict. She believes that she should not be scared, notwithstanding she cannot make her imaginationor mindyield to her will. I couldnt find a position in which my mind would let go of my bodyrelease me to sleep again (Gordimer 184). Although she is given an element of roundness, the narrators character remains more flat than round. The man, holding the role of a father, a husband, a son, and an employer in the story, is just what a reader would expect of an accommodating man in his positionin essence, the stereotypical man. This is shown in a number of ways. He played the role of supporting husband perfectly in always acknowledging his married womans concerns.In order to calm her fears, he had electronically controlled gates fitted (Gordim er 185), to provide further control of any outsiders access to their property, as well as having the wall surrounding their property built higher. For the case of pacifying the trusted housemaid, he had bars affixed to the doors and windows of the house, and an alarm system installed (Gordimer 185). Throughout the story, the man acquiesces to one after another requests, changing fine from the unafraid, doting provider that the author first introduces to the reader.In the beginning of the story, the man is clearly unconcerned about his or his familys safety from such people as the wife worries about. On more than one occasion, he assured his wife that there was nothing to fear (Gordimer 185). However, in the course of events, he attains some small quality of roundness in that his concern over his familys warrantor evolves into an obsession, perhaps due to his wifes play. During times that the family would go for walks, they would no longer fail to admire this show of roses or th at perfect lawn (Gordimer 187) instead the husband and ife found themselves comparing the possible effectiveness of each style of each security system against its air (Gordimer 187). In changing his mind and/or in his allowance of the constituent to change him, a slight element of roundness is added to the fathers relatively flat character. The mans wife does not change by the end of this story, thereby showing her to be a flat characterpredictable, stereotypical, static, and, in this case, easily defined as good. However, in the course of the story, the reader will also see a side of her that conflicts with her fears, which gives her some roundness.Women in general are typically more concerned than men with safety issues. Danger, whether real or perceived, is seen as a threat to their well-being, as well as to that of their loved ones. Be that as it may, the wifes actions and fears are entirely understandable and predictable in Once Upon A Time. She was afraid that some daypeo ple faculty come up the streetand open the gates and stream in (Gordimer 185). Perhaps not entirely logical, but such behavior is considered the norm for women, thus displaying her flatness as a character.However, at the same time, she also has a quality of roundness to her as well. Even though she advocates every extra security measure to protect herself and her family from such people (Gordimer 185), from the streets, those are the very ones that she feels compassion for. The wife could never see anyone go hungry. She sent the trusted housemaid out with bread and tea (Gordimer 186). The fact that she feels torn over the plight of these individuals and then her very attempts to isolate herself from them shows her internal conflict, thus giving a small element of roundness to her otherwise flat character.In the little boy, Gordimer paints the picture of endearing, playful innocence as well as naivete. His naivete and playfulness is demonstrated in his fascination with the intercom device (Gordimer 185), as well as in his tendency to imagine himself the hero in a fairytale story, which leads to his demise he pretended to be the Prince who braves the terrible thicket of thorns to enter the palace and kiss the Sleeping Beauty back to life (Gordimer 188). Interestingly enough, the boy has the smallest role throughout the story and yet he becomes the character that the narrator uses to bring his/her point home.However, due to the fact that his character never undergoes any kind of change, he cannot be labeled as a round character. The trustworthy maid is also a stereotypical, flat character. This is suggested simply by her given name of trusted housemaid (Gordimer 185). Despite the circumstances of the times and the distrust that the wife feels towards people of her kind, the man and his wife trusted the housemaid enough to leave her with responsibility for their possessions (Gordimer 185). Also, not unlike the typical housemaid, she was an influence on her mistre ss.The housemaid fed the wifes fears of these people of another color (Gordimer 185), telling the wife that these were loafers and tsotsis (Gordimer 186). In pointing out the loafers shortcomings, perhaps because of her insecurities, she redirected the wifes attentions away from caring for these peopletypical behavior from an employee anxious to keep her job. On account of this stereotypical behavior, as well as the fact that she remains a static character throughout the story, the housemaid is a flat character.The last human character, the itinerant gardener, is also a flat character. The only thing that the author mentions concerning the gardener is that he was highly recommended by the neighbors (Gordimer 184). The gardeners one purpose in the story was to aid in getting the little boy out of the security coil. the itinerant gardener, whose day it was, came runningand tore his hands trying to get at the little boy (Gordimer 188).Typical of a man of service, he seemed willing to h elp in whatever way necessary. In the beginning of the story the narrator battles to control her own fears regarding physical security. The bedtime story created to alleviate his or her discomfort attempts to convince the hearer or the reader of the fact that ones fate is out of ones control. The author uses Once upon a Time to illustrate that there is no real way to guarantee anyones safety, no matter how hard the person tries.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Functional Health Assessment

Nursing theorist Marjorie Gordon developed, in 1987, functional wellness patterns as a tool guide, used by nurses as a comprehensive data collection during patient assessments. Functional health pattern enables the nurses to identify and determine exclusively in all aspects of health and human function (Kosher, 2013). The consumption of this assignment is to discuss how the interviewed family views their health overall, to improve their health promotion/patient education, and to identify the needs of the family using Gordons 11 functional health patterns. Family wellness AssessmentThe family selected for this project is a bi-nuclear family with three children. The bewilder is 40 years elderly and has two occupations, a phlebotomist and a nursing assistant. She has a 15 year old female child, 3 year old twin boys. Her daughter is from her previous marriage. The cause is 48 years old and works as a long surmount truck driver. The couple has been married for 7 years. During the interview the family was asked open ended questions to evaluate their overall views of their health. These open ended questions were used in conjunction with Gordons 11 functional health patterns.The minor children were included in discussions with parents present. Patterns of Health Perception and Health Management The family as a whole perceives their health in overall good condition. They believe that with shit and check-ups with their primary physician, their health can be maintained and managed properly. The importance of spirituality plays an important role in maintaining psychological and physical wellness. The father has past medical issues with hypertensive crisis induced by stress and diet. The m different has a history of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and cesarean section with the childbearing of thetwins.In order to improve health maintenance they are dieting appropriately and exercising regularly and taking what they call a family time-out on the weekends to b uoy up stress and build emotional bond. Nutrition-Metabolic Pattern Diet is an important part of this family maintaining their health. Because of the fathers condition the family eats a cardiac healthy diet. Their typical daily intake, lie down of lots of vegetables, salads, chicken and fish. They have deleted red meat and carbonated drinks out of their diet.The father confessed to eating sweets and other unhealthy items. The children state that they like to snack all day. Mom sends the twins with healthy snacks at daycare and the older daughter opts to eat school lunch e very so often. She prefers to bring a Gatorade and get up for lunch. The family was noned to practice eating the recommended 6 small meals per day. The main meal in this household is eaten around five or six p. m. The father and mother had experienced weight fluctuations due to diet changes and life changing stressful events.Pattern of Elimination The elimination function is regular without difficulty for anyone with bowel movements or urination. The frequent urination is no longer an issue for the mother since she has lost some of the baby weight and no longer with pregnant. The twin boys are currently creation potty trained, with some episodes of incontinence at night, which is to be expected. They are still using pull-up briefs at bedtime. Pattern of Activity/Exercise This family is very active. The mother says she stays active with work and the two boys at home keep her busy.The mother does a lot of heavy lifting at working so she is required to wear safety brace while at work. The father job requires sitting most of the time with lifting from time to time. They do many open-air(prenominal) activities for family time, for example, fishing, swimming, and bike riding on the trail, at the local park. The mother participates in zumba exercise class on Wednesday evenings. Cognitive and Perception Education is a go along factor in this household. The mother is in school for licensed pract ical nursing.The daughter is in high school and maintainsa 3. 5 grade median(a) in her classes. The twins go to day care every day for early learning. The father completed 2 years of college and has degree in commonplace studies, has a special driving license. Pattern of Seep and Rest Familys response towards rest was different. The mother complained of lack of rest since the twins were born and the father stated that when he is home from a long trip it is difficult for him to sleep at home because he is used to being up all night driving. The twins and the teenage daughter take naps and gets sleep without any complaints.Pattern of Self Perception and Self Concept Some family members noted to feel restless about their appearances in different ways. The daughter felt that she had chunky legs. The father felt that he could stand to lose a few more pounds because he felt fat. The mother is still worried about fitting into that bathing suit she bought two months ago on sale. Body ima ge was an issue, but it was discussed fooling throughout the conversation. The daughter appeared to be vainer about her appearance than any other family member.Role Relationships PatternSupport for each is noted throughout the family, they attend church regularly on Sundays has a spiritual and emotional support system. The parents socialize with other church members through activities. They voiced satisfaction with their home life. They often go out on dates with other couples and families with children. The mothers relatives live close by, so they have frequently family visits. Sexuality Reproductive Pattern The parents are currently sexually active. The teenage daughter stated she is not, but was curious and had some questions.The daughter started her menses at age 11. The mother started her menses cycle at early age 9. The parents were intercommunicate of the teenage daughter curiosity and questions so that could be addressed personally. Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance S tress has had an impact on this family. The father has been hospitalized in two ways with a hypertensive crisis. Life changing events started from the birth of the twins, then the death of his mother a year ago and now work has been slower than usual, not enough hours to work and support his family.The mother is stressed from taking on the extra load of responsibilities. No recreational drugs or alcohol abuse in the home. Stress is relieved by spiritual needs being met and family support. Patterns of Values and Beliefs Religion is very important to this family, by attending church regularly and take part in extra activities at church with their church family. A close knit family is highly valued. The American culture is practiced in this family. Western practice of medicine is their health practice.Wellness Diagnoses/Family Nursing DiagnosisReadiness for Enhanced Caregiver Role related to to interrupted family processes and caregiver role strain (Gordon, 1994) Effective therapeu tic Regimen Management related to non-compliance with diet (Gordon, 1994) Conclusion The interviewing process of this family was intensive, but important information was gained. Areas noted for increased education and health promotion/well-being. Based on the functional health patterns assessment, wellness and family nursing diagnoses was implemented. Factors taken into consideration were the diet and weight concern, and the shift of responsibilities increasing stressors.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Commercially Available Testing Tools

Once an application has been developed, the developers mustiness demonstrate that it performs the tasks for which it was designed accurately, reliably and with adequate performance. For this to be fulfilled extensive interrogatory must be carried out and assholes have been built to assist with this process. Developers have built different types of tool for addressing different aspects of the same general chore.The importance of proper examinationing to detect as many errors as feasibly possible has been driven by the increase of malicious or criminal intent on the part of developers that cite applications with functions that facilitate fraud or other criminal activity (an especial risk to the financial industry). This problem has been addressed by European Community Legislation, increase the onus on softw are developers to show that they took all reasonable steps to ensure an application was free of defects and suitable for the purpose for which it was developed.Failure to do s o could leave the developer liable to be sued by any champion have has incurred a loss in any business as a result of software collapse. The of import types of tool that have resulted as a partial result of this are describe below. There are a large form of examen tools that are available, but they all work in very different ways. The main types of examening categories are described below. Tools that analyse source code without executing test cases, but in deriving test cases for the software to be tested.There are three different types apply in industry that are described below Code based examination tools accept source code as input and perform a be of analyses that result in the times of test cases. This type of alter tool throne broken down in to four further categories. The original are Code analysers that evaluate test modules automatically for proper syntax affirmations are then highlighted where the syntax is wrong, if construction is error prone or if an item is undefined.The second category is Structure checkers where modules are submitted as input and a graphical record arrestd, depicting the hierarchy of modules and tools check for structural flaws, for example, determining the location of loops and branches and how they are used within the arrangement. The trine type are Data analysers which review data structures, data declarations and module interfaces, and notes improper linkage between modules, conflicting data definitions and illegal data usage.The final examination type are Sequence checkers where sequences of events are checked and marked if coded in wrong sequence. Specialised examination languages enable a software prepare to write detailed test unique(predicate)ations that describe each test case and the logistics for its execution. An example of one of these languages is Prolog, that is peculiar(prenominal)ally used for test case generation. Requirements based testing tools isolate specific user requirements and su ggest test cases (or classes of tests) that forget exercise the requirements.Tools that analyse source code during execution of test cases by interacting with a class as it is executing and checking the path coverage, test assertions about the value of specific variables and otherwise instrumenting the execution flow of the program. They can be either intrusive or non-intrusive. An intrusive tool limitings the software to be tested by inserting extra instructions or probes that perform the activities mentioned above. A non-intrusive tool uses a separate hardware processor that reaps in parallel with the processor containing the program that is beingness tested.Systems can be difficult to test because several parallel operations are being carried out concurrently, which is especially true for real-time systems. Therefore it is difficult to anticipate the conditions and generate representative test conditions. However, dynamic test tools can capture a tell of events during the execution of a program and so are often called program monitors, because they watch and report the behaviour of the program. The functions of the monitor are to list the number of times a submodule is called or a line of code is executed.These statistics tell testers if the test cases have statement coverage. Another function is to report on whether a decision point has branched in all directions, providing information about branch coverage. System performance information is also provided, including statistics about particular variables e. g. their first value, last value, minimum and maximum values. Breakpoints can be defined for the system, so when a variable attains or exceeds a specific value, the test tool reports the occurrence. most tools will stop when breakpoints are reached so that the tester can examine the contents of recollection or specific data items, as it is possible to change values as the test progresses. Any information captured during the test can be used to pr ovide information about control flow. Another automated tool, analysers, are similar to monitors, except that they can also evaluate captured data to prescribed criteria. A test coverage analyser records the number of each statement executed during a test step and notifies us if certain routines or statements are not executed.A timing analyser works with predefined areas or memory or code and tracks the amount of time spent in each area as system functions are performed. This type of tracking can be useful during performance testing when timing requirements are checked. Tools that simulate functions of hardware or other externals by presenting to a system all characteristics of a system or device without genuinely having the system/device available. This is particularly useful if another company is developing part of a system this part can be simulated to allow you to test your own part.The simulator can sometimes be more useful than the device itself as all data regarding the devi ces state throughout the test can be stored, aiding in error location. Simulators also help with stress and volume testing, since it can be programmed to load the system with important amounts of data, requests or users. Generally, simulators give control over the test conditions, allowing you to perform tests that may otherwise be dangerous or impossible. Test management tools are used to control and co-ordinate testing for each of the major testing steps.Tools in this category manage and co-ordinate regression testing, perform comparisons that ascertain differences between actual and pass judgment output and conduct batch testing of programs with interactive human-computer interfaces. In addition to the functions noted above, many test management tools also serve as generic test drivers. A test driver reads one or more test cases from a testing file, formats the test data to conform to the unavoidably of the software under test, and then invokes the software to be tested.The C/ S environment demands specialised testing tools that exercise the graphical user interface and the interlocking communications requirements for client and server. This category can be sub-divided into the following functions Reverse design to specification tools which take source code as input and generate graphical structured analysis and design models, where-used lists and other design information. Code restructuring and analysis tools that analyse program syntax, generate a control flow graph and automatically generate a structured program.On-line system reengineering tools which are used to modify on-line database systems. Many of the above tools are limited to specific programming languages, although most major languages are addressed and require some degree of interaction with the software engineer. Next generation reverse and forward engineering tools will make much stronger use of artificial intelligence techniques, applying a knowledge base that is application domain spec ific, i. e. a set of decomposition rules that would apply to all programs in a particular application area.The AI component will assist in system decomposition and reconstruction, but will quieten require interaction with a software engineer throughout the reengineering cycle. Several testing aids can be combined into one automated tool a test harness is a monitoring system that tracks test input data, passes it to the program or system being tested and records the resulting output. A test harness can also compare actual with expected output and report any discrepancies. Most test harness tools are environment specific by the nature of the process. Test data set generators can generate test data sets derived from the requirements modelling process.Used in conjunction with test harnesses they will provide a formal documented test environment. In most cases a combination of the above tools will improve chances that a delivered application performs the tasks expected correctly and rel iably. All testing tools generate large amounts of information about an applications structure. This information must be interpreted and used to detect and rectify problematic logic and structure error. There is a large amount of interest in producing automated support for this interpretation process to pinpoint possible problem areas and suggest further lines of investigation.With the exception of Interpreters, that are still in development, the above categories of testing tools are available commercially. There are a large number of products available produced by many different companies, so two case studies have been selected to give an impression of the testing tools commercially available. Where possible, the category of testing tools as described above that each product fits into has been added in brackets after the product name. The current products available from this French company are aimed at user interface testing and there are three product lines.The first, UniTest, is designed to perform unit testing of embedded systems. It can develop test scripts that can run on native, simulator, emulator or target platforms. ATTOLs second product, SystemTest, automates the production and exploitation of integration and validation tests for systems. Both of these two products can be integrated with ATTOLs final product, Coverage (test coverage analyser), which is a code coverage tool that is designed to obtain the level of code coverage during the unit or integration testing. TestStudio is one of four products that make up the software development product, Rational Suite.The TestStudio product is itself made up of other Rational Products. Rational Robot provides thorough testing of an entire application, Rational TestFactory automatically detects run-time errors without user assistance and generates optimal scripts for regression testing. Rational Purify locates hard-to-find run-time errors that cause program crashes. Rational Quantify pinpoints performance b ottlenecks in applications and Rational PureCoverage (test coverage analyser) identifies untested code and provides code-coverage analysis.The nature of many products available is that they perform testing to meet user requirements. To do this they are often a combination of several types of testing tool, which makes it difficult to identify specific categories of testing. However, many of the products available did require the system or application being tested to in truth be run, whether on a simulator or real-time, suggesting dynamic testing is used more than static testing. There are however, a huge range of testing tools commercially available, combining many different testing methods.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Comparison and Contrast of Herman Melville’s

Her creation Melvilles Bartleby, Scrivener (1853) and Franz Kafkas A Hunger mechanic (1924) are short stories that deal with the complexities of man in the social setting. Melville is intimately intimately known for his novel Moby Dick while Kafka was virtually unknown during his lifetime and has no published novels but has since gained recognition for his short stories, including Metamorphoses (1915).It would be interesting to label how a comparison of these two similar stories will reveal the personality of the writer. This paper will provide a brief synopsis of the stories and will thusly be analyzed for points of comparison and contrast.SynopsesBartleby, ScrivenerMelvilles tale deals primarily with a particular scrivener, withal know as a law-copier or in modern usage a petition writer as set in this story. The scrivener, Bartleby is an unaccountable man as described by the narrator whom at the time of the events that took place a Master in Chancery.Bartleby is at first ind ustrious in scrivener work, although he steadfastly refused to do any other activity and appeared not to eat or do anything but his work, and even seemed to personify in the office. The narrator describes his feelings of astonishment, sympathy and subsequent acceptance of this eccentricity because his other employees also had their vagaries.As the story progresses, however, Bartlebys behavior becomes stranger he stops working but refuses to leave and eventually drives his employer from his office. Bartleby remains in the building even afterwards being booted out of the room and is eventually arrested for vagrancy. The narrator is conscience-stricken and strives to do all he can for Bartleby, who soon after dies in prison. (Melville, 1994)The Hunger ArtistThe story begins with a statement of decline in interest in hunger artists. It is told from a third person point of view and sketches a bill of the popularity of hunger artists and the process of the art. It muses upon the inten tions of those who subscribe to the spectacle, and the personal views and feelings of one particular artist, dwelling upon his frustration of having his work ended prematurely, a maximum of 40 days per severally fasting period, in the interest of profit.The hunger artist knew he could last longer and yearned to find out to what extent, but was not allowed.The story describes how interest in the activity seemed suddenly to cease and rather than pursuing his previous modus operandi, the hunger artist preferred to break away from his manager and hire himself out to the circus, where he was placed in a cage near the menagerie, and was all but forgotten. At last he was able to indulge in his wish. Just in the lead he died, he revealed that he fasted not to make himself famous but because there was no food he enjoyed. (Kafka, 1924)AnalysisThe two stories considered have distinct parallels, most notable the title characters. Both Bartleby and the hunger artist are distinguished by a sens e of hopelessness and searching. The characters, the former silently, the other in self-revelation, emit their need to find a place to belong.They clearly do not fit in accepted society. Bartleby because of his very ascetism, lack of interpersonal relations and annals is almost a ghost, an enigma that even the most kindly of intentions could not draw out. He repulsed any kind of contact, perhaps because he was speculated to have been engaged in activity, that of a dead letter clerk, that dealt with the rejected and discarded. He clearly considered himself beyond salvation.The hunger artist, because of his search for the unattainable, is unable to enjoy the material pleasures of life and live a normal life. He deprived himself of life because he saw no point in continuing with it, reserving the pleasure of knowledge of how far he could take his artistry as his last stand against life.The stories are clearly macabre, elucidating the grimness of life of no purpose and no connection. They deal with the reality that man is essentially a creature of society, and failure of interaction results in strange and appalling consequences.The style of the writing is the most notable contrast of the two stories. Melville deals with the heart-to-heart in a humorous fashion, drawing a smile, even a laugh with his description of his characters and the circumstances until the very end, which makes the horror of what has become of Bartleby all the much stark.Kafka adopted a gloomy tone from the start, indicating a grim end in the very first sentence of the story. The reader knows the hunger artist is unsaved to a life of obscurity at the very least. The twist at the end, when the artist reveals the cause of his compunction for self-destruction, illustrates the writers own dissatisfaction with life.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Analysis of the Main Theme in Sidney Sheldon’s Tell Me Your Dreams Essay

Sidney Sheldons book, Tell Me Your Dreams carries a dark theme. It focuses on how the primeval character, Ashley Patterson, represents the seemingly well-adjusted, successful and attractive young working professional. Deep inside though, she is experiencing stormy emotions. A convergence of psychic traumatic childhood experiences, she is a walking disaster, ready to explode. She is proof that parental abuse can strongly affect an individuals future behavior and life. The power of parental nurturing can non be underestimated, and lack of compliance by a parent for a helpless child can produce trauma, shattered dreams and fatal results which the child carries into adulthood.Ashley Pattersons troubled personality is introduced at the very start of the novel. Her paranoid state is forthwith presented in the novels runner few linesSomeone was following her. She had read about stalkers, simply they belonged in a distinguishable, violent world She was trying desperately hard not t o panic. But tardily her sleep had been filled with unbear equal to(p) nightmares and she had awakened each morning with a feeling of an impending crack of doom (Sheldon, 1998, p. 3)Descri enjoy as an intelligent and attractive woman who has been living in Cupertino,California for three age at the start of the stratum, Ashley Patterson, daughter of a famous heart surgeon Dr. Steven Patterson, seems to have many vertical things going for her. Looks, however, can be deceiving. Not all that looks well on the outside like an detached and beautiful appearance, reflects what is on the inside. Ashley purposes involved in a series of brutal murders, specifically men who were stabbed and castrated. As far as the police force authorities were concerned, truth can be hard to find and later, as they were to find out, hard to believe. Eventually, the authorities find the same DNA in each crime scene, force it to her, and Ashley is arrested and placed under psychiatric investigation.Whi le undergoing therapy Gilbert Keller, Ashleys dark past is gradually revealed. Ashley admits that her co-workers, the extrovertive and merry Toni Prescott, and the shy and lonely painter Alette Peter are not real, when she says to Dr. Keller Dont you ensure? Theyre not real. Theyre my imagination (Sheldon, 1998, p. 308). When Dr. Keller suggests bringing the three women fact-to-face with each other and tells Ashley, You have to get to know one another. Its the only way youre going to be cured (Sheldon, 1998, p. 308), he confirms the main characters multiple personality disorder.Dr. Kellers calming presence symbolizes peace in Ashleys world of chaos and pain. He soothes Ashley when he explains to her the presence of her other personalities Toni and Alette by saying, you must regard as that Toni was born out of your pain, to protect you. The same is true of Alette (Sheldon, 1998, p. 344). At this point, and as the story progresses, readers are able to see how Ashleys painful past including a father who sexually assaulted her and a mother who did not appreciate her had caused her personality disorder, leading to her crime. She remembers how her mother was scolding her for singing while they were in a car, which leads to an stroking (Sheldon, 1998, p. 349).Her worst and repeated memories of her father saying Youll like this followed by an image of the man getting into bed beside her followed by a scream to stop (Sheldon, 1998, p. 327) depicts just how haunting and traumatic child abuse in the physical or sexual sense can be. This highlights the duality of the human psyche. Ashleys father may be famous and enviable and he may have obtained the respect of his colleagues and the general public, yet to his have daughter he is a monster.Ashley Pattersons guilt is confirmed in the story when her split-personality character says, Im not a dangerous criminal. Im a normal woman. And a piece inside her said, Who murdered five innocent large number (Sheldon, 1998, p. 291). With this, the novels main theme of earnest parent-child conflict can be highly traumatizing. Parental abuse carries grave consequences like behavioral problems and aroundtimes, the raise like youth violence is irreparable. I chose this theme because it is one that is being experienced in an scare way in different countries.It is a universal problem that requires concerted action by therapists, family members, police authorities, social workers, the community-at-large, and so on. What interested me about the novels plot is the dramatic revelation, through Ashleys therapist, of her multiple characters. Then, there is also the gentle and positive reassurance provided by Dr. Keller, which gives an encouraging portrayal of the medical community, and how it sees a breakthrough when patients who are victims of abuse seem to make progress or attempt to let go of their hurts and pains.The most important character in Tell Me Your Dreams is Ashley Patterson. All the unfoldin g events and issues revolve through her, and she serves as a symbol of others who suffer a disorder but who deserve to be treated not as inferior beings but as individuals who need understanding and help. On the other hand, her father symbolizes the grisly minds of those who may appear respectable from the outside but who are capable of causing tremendous disparage with their acts.The context, or the place and time where the story takes place, begins in Cupertino, California, a sleepy corner of the world but one which is bustling with corporate activity. The context helps highlight the dual personalities of several characters in the novel, like Ashley Patterson and Dr, Steven Patterson. The story also takes readers from London to Rome to Quebec City to San Francisco in Bedford, Cupertino, as if pointing out how fast and varied modern-day developments go. The context, or multiple settings, also parallels the multiple personalities of the main character and their different activiti es at different points in time.Ashley Pattersons multiple personality disorder is discussed by Dr. Salem, readers gain a better understanding of a disorder which is real. It is described as a condition where there are several completely different personalities in one body. Its also known as dissociatve identity disorder. Its been in the psychiatric literature for more than deuce hundred years. It usually starts because of a childhood trauma. The victim shuts out the trauma by creating another identity (Sheldon, 1998, chap. 12). The author leaves an encouraging note in his book that say that some cases of multiple personality disorders are treatable. Unfortunately, this was not the case with Ross Carlson, a teenage boy diagnosed with Multiple constitution Disorder. As the news goesIn the summer of 1983, the bodies of Rod and Marilyn Carlson were found beside a road in Douglas County, Colorado. both had been shot execution-style in the back of the head. Ross Carlson, their teenage so n, was later charged with the murders Eventually, therapists identified as many as 10 personalities residing within Carlson. His attorneys later argued that Carlsons parents were abusive people who forced their twisted religion on their only child, causing him to develop the diverse characters as a defense mechanism. The six-year drama end in 1989 when, at age 25, Ross Carlson died of leukemia (Multiple Personality Disorder, para. 2). Ross Carlson is the real-life counterpart of Ashley Patterson. In both cases, the truth hurts that people who are your family and who are supposed to nurture and protect you can be capable of inflicting the greatest harm. The two cases one portrayed in a novel based on real life, and the other a real-life incident show that family upbringing and genuine care, concern and nurturing from parents are the best guarantees for a childs future. The two cases stress that people afflicted with Multiple Personality Syndrome are, after all, human beings who, i n the first place, just needed to love, to be understood, and to heal. ReferencesLarson, B. (n.d.). Multiple Personality Disorder. Retrieved May 19, 2008, from http//, S. (1998). Tell me your dreams. New York HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

College and Success in Life

College and Success in Life It is very difficult to attend the claim that a person needs a university fostering to be supremacyful in livelihood because giver in livelihood means different things to different people. This essay starts by defining third different caprices of success. Following this, it looks at which types of success are dependent on a university education. Success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes tell us that success means having a lot of money, having a fulfilling career, and being reigning.In contrast, most religious and spiritual organizations claim that success means finding spiritual happiness and being at peace with God and with yourself. Another idea of success focuses on relationships being surrounded by people who love you and care about you, disbursal time with family and friends. A university education can help you achieve some types of success, but it makes little or no difference to whether o r not you are successful in other areas of life. Undoubtedly, a university education is essential if you want to have a career in a profession such as law, engineering, teaching, or medicine.However, you do not need a university degree to become a wealthy and powerful movie star, sports star or businessperson. In fact, a university education does not generally enable you to achieve spiritual happiness, or to have successful relationships with family and friends. sIn conclusion, there are many different types of success. A university education may help you to achieve professional success in some careers. However, it will not help you to achieve success in other areas of your life such as your spiritual life or your relationships.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

China today Essay

China today would not miss the inquisitive recognition of an observative eye. Ranging from the political, sparing and social, China has moved from some of its early concepts, thoughts, philosophies and forms of sentiment. Today, much much influence from the outside world has had major(ip) impact on the outlook of the in advance(p) Chinese people and their kitchen-gardening. To talk slightly China without reflecting about their ancient culture and the dynasties would be to do a great injustice to the Chinese people.Although, the concern of this testify is to look at mortalism, thus it would be not possible not to generally mention the emperors ruling and the culture which has dominated China since 221 BCE. The Chinese night club was largely an agricultural stupefytled society that was propagated by the Confucius thought. Many of those who have written the history of China have at instances tried to compartmentalize it into culture, authorities and society. This loses the va lue of their study since being a Chinese before the eighteenth and nineteenth century concern culturalism as opposed to nationalism.These are a people who largely had a shared identity and incarnate rituals. Confucius ideas, self development, among others and negative attitude to profit making had an impact and an expression of individuality. Culturalism impeded the growth of the realm because it emphasized on ones ties to the family, region or city. In other words China was fragile collectible to ethnic nationalism which made it a very unstable state especially under the nose of other countries.The ethnic nationalism was responsible for the revolution of the 1911 because of anti Manchurian Han oriented ideas that they, Manchuria courts were not in a position to defend the Chinese people. It is at the twentieth century that China was faced by threats from Western and Japanese capitalism and imperialism. Therefore it had to define its position on the national stage and set itse lf a much a country to be consulted in matters of the world (Wang, pp ix & 211).The importance of the individual view in the Confucianism tradition helped to set China in preparation of later developments and changing realities that could not allow it to retain the empire style. Thus, it is by the negation of Confucius ideas that led to the rise of new culture thus the have a bun in the oven of state nationalism. Closely following this era is the period of Chairman Mao who was an ardent socialist. During his time era, from 1949 it was considered behaving handle a bourgeoisie when one showed interests in self.China was a collectivist state that suppressed the individual desires advocating for the societys plight. The changes in China today are as a result of the organization outlook reforms of the 1980s. Mostly the youth in China mirror more of the Western culture more than the older generation thus sometimes causing conflict between the two groups. The Western culture has brough t individualistic thought and perspectives that even in education politics and all other parts of the society reflect an outlook of self.In education as an example most the parents are urging the sons and daughters to watch over high paying courses for the sole purpose of personal better placement. Post Mao China has outstrip the collective notions of the society to emphasis on individualism. No longer will you see workers donning the same colouring or style clothes (Robert, para 8, 9 & 10). The fact that the modern Chinese society was organize on the foundations of the West does not mean that the Confucius thought completely was exterminated.The power of the community is still in force as Wei-ming Tu puts it, that there is group solidarity which is involved decision making through consensus can d conflict resolutions. There is no distinction between personal and public lives of the people. The classical outlook of the family by the Confucius thought still forms as the major con nection of politics education capitalism and social lives. This has the implications of a sense of duty responsibility obligation relationship independence and autonomy.Thus, in the wake of being the surpass person through self respect and dignity such a person does not alight short of having the role of taking care of his fellow neighbor family community state and the state. This is seen as the modern psychological approach to the new China in the fact that if one is found falling little of this, then you loose your place in the public hence a sense of personal guilt. It is consequently evident that the Chinese value collective individualistic aspects for the betterment of the society (Tu, pp 7, 8, 9 & 10). Bibliography Robert L. , M.Ethnology Generation KU individualism and Chinas millennial youth, 22nd September 2005. Retrieved from on 25th April 2009 Tu, W. Confucian Traditions in eastern hemisphere Asian modern fontity Moral Education and Economic Culture in Japan and the Four Mini-Dragons. ISBN 0674160878, 9780674160873, Harvard University Press, 1996. Wang, K. Modern China An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Nationalism. ISBN 0815307209, 9780815307204, Published by Taylor & Francis, 1998.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Disadvantages of science Essay

How intelligence and engine room Affects Humans LifeScience and technology be two things link to each other. Science is a systematic knowledge base, where a series of steps is followed in order to reliably predict the type of outcome. It is all about theories and centre on analysis. Science is the key by which man go anywhere at any measure in the space. It has brought about several outstanding advantages to mankind. engineering, on the other hand, is more of an applied science. It is where alsols and knowledge ar used for the study of a particular science. It is all about process.What is life without science and technology? Nowadays, commodious deal cant imagine their lives without technology. Anywhere they go and whatever they do, there ar many things related to science. These are benevolents inventions and innovations or various technologies surround them that depart their needs. Even in their fooling activities or simple tasks, they are already using those technolo gies. Refrigerators, microwaves, televisions, cellular phvirtuosos, laptops, digital cameras, cars, computers and lights are some technologies that human uses in their daily lives. These technologies really provide them many advantages. It is easy to think about the advantages however, for your information technology has also disadvantages.Science and Technology helps human beings make their lives easier in such a way that it helps them in every sector. Like in transportation, through cars, airplanes or trains, they can travel faster to their desired places. From inventions and innovations of great minds, robots and machines are made to help people make lesser mistakes. Because of technology, man can save his time, efforts and make believe him a quality to his works. Moreover, technology increases production. People can create multiple materials in a inadequate period of time because of modern machines. Most of all, one of the most important advantages of technology is through the ambit of medical science or human health. Because of the inventions of technology for surgical operations and discoveries of many medicines, humans life span will be lengthened and will save innocent lives.Science and Technology also changed humans way of communicating. From telephones to cellular phones, then came the computers and Internets which gave them information. Through these, now they can do video conferences to their love ones at abroad or chatting their friends. Satellite communication is another important place of technology. Satellite TV s and satellite radios have eased the broadcasting of events across the globe. Computers can store, fig out and manage huge amounts of data. They can process large amounts of information. Computers have given rise to the software industry, one of the most progressive industries of the world. Gadgets can give entertainment not only to teenagers but to everyone. In sum technology also gives assurance or for emergency use.On the othe r hand, with the advancement in the orbital cavity of latest technology, people see many disadvantages out of the benefit of modern technology. It can harm our environment. pertly transportation technology causes pollution by the smoke or gas from factories and cars. Most people bewildered their job because companies took up automatic machines to improve their production with accuracy. Yet, the answers or discoveries that technology gave may not be always correct. These machines look inexpensive and its good to use but once there are proficient problems occur in machines, it took much time to fix it and also it can be more expensive. thither are also side effects of technology in our health. This can cause growth of kernel disease, increase of body weight and can cause cancer because of radiation of specific technology.Science and Technology can cause peoples communication poor. According to Lauren Nelson, when communicating face to face, nonverbal behaviors provide context cl ues for the words we use. Unfortunately, the Wall Street Journal found that technologies like email, texting and instant messaging postulate these important context clues, and can lead to misunderstandings. Sarcasm and jokes without nonverbal context cues can cause frustration. though smiley faces with different expressions called emoticons are sometimes used to substitute traditional nonverbal cues, they fall far minuscule of what face-to-face communication can provide.He also states that as more savants buy cell phones, iPods, and maneuver systems, technologys impact on effective communication is becoming more pronounced. As the regularise Chronicles reports, instructors attempting to convey messages about lessons and textbooks find students are texting, playing, or listening to music. Not only does this mitigate the teachers ability to communicate lessons, but it hurts future communicative interaction between the teacher and student because of the lack of respect it conveys . The youth has also been very much addicted to gadgets that they get to spend too much time with it and creates their own world.Technology can make people lazy. Many people are already dependent and embrace this technology. Like students playing computer games instead of going to school or study. Technology also brings us privacy issues. From cell phone signal interceptions to email hacking, people are now worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge and qualification profit out of video scandals. Advanced technology has also created thousands of cases of cyber crimes, cheating and fraud. And most of all because of the red-hot technology, the world may be facing terrorists threat and all of us are afraid of atomic war.If people of the world use these inventions and innovations in a right way, we are all going to be benefited out of these but if the motive of a human being is not positive, surely they will face the technologys disadvantages.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Organizational Analysis Paper of the American Heart Association Essay

I will be discussing in detail the creation and reasons of the Ameri disregard nerve center Association, its importance, the functions and responsibilities of the American smell Association, the stakeholders impact towards the American Heart Association and what atomic number 18 the affects as a stakeholder. Keywords American Heart Association, functions, responsibilities, stakeholders Birth of the American Heart Association The American Heart Association has evolved into a nation-wide program since its birth in the 1915. harmonise to American Heart Association (2010) a group of social workers and doctors in New York formed the Association for legal community and Relief of Heart Disease. Due to the minimal information regarding mall disorder battalion with heart malady are considered doom and most were in bed rest. Many doctors look into and studied to determine if people with heart disease could return to a normal life and alike return to work. Soon, associations started t o form along the East Coast, mainly in Boston, Philadelphia, and Chicago in the 1920s.In 1924, six cardiologists together form the American Heart Association. Their main goal was to share research from cities across the United States and Canada and promote further study. agree to American Heart Association (2010), the six cardiologists were Drs. Lewis A. Connor and Robert H. Hasley of New York, Paul White of Boston, Joseph Sailer of Philadelphia, Robert B. Preble of Chicago, and Hugh D. McCulloch of St. Louis. Drs. James B. Herrick of Chicago and William S. Thayer of Baltimore were also instrumental with the founding of the association.See more how to write an analysis paperThere were no education or awareness of heart disease and their main goal was to inform many physicians and scientists of the seriousness of heart disease. American Heart Association, (2010) The American Heart Association thought of ways to share the research and studies to the universal and in 1946, accordin g to American Heart Association (2010) they received a donation from the American legion(predicate) of $50,000 to conduct a research and to develop a community rheumatic fever program. The AHA reorganized and a couple of years later, non-medical volunteers assisted in business management, fundraising, communication, and domain education.The AHA made their public appearance on a radio contest in 1948 called The Walking Man, which netted $1. 75 million. The AHA started setting up divisions across the country the following year and raised $2. 7 million. Growth of the American Heart Association The offshoot of the AHA has been rapid, in numbers, financial resources, and influence, both national, and international. According to American Heart Association (2010), in order to disclose serve their affiliate and local divisions nationwide changes of the National Center from New York to Dallas was a better idea. among 1980 and 1986, they made internal changes and wanted to lay down a lou der and clearer voice in reaching pop to the public. They unquestionable guidelines for the national health care system. While the federal government attempt to make changes and improvements AHA support them at the same time continuing to strengthen internal management and programs. As they made changes AHA also punishing on their mission statement and three areas of specialty important to AHA cardiovascular science, cardiovascular education, and community programs.The AHA supported new research projects, move scientific staff into one building and sponsor creative professional education programs. Women and minorities were authority of the associations leadership ranks and resulted in more efforts and understanding of heart and jibe disease on women and minorities. In the 1990s, scientific finding began to move more quickly from laboratories and clinics to the physician offices and American households. They outsourced through journals and publishing online. Their strategy was improving affiliate research programs and creating new divisions dealing with stroke and arrest cardiac care.In November 1998, the AHA created a division called the American Stroke Association, which developed stroke education programs, stroke-related research and supported stroke victims and their caregivers American Heart Association (2010). According to American Heart Association (2010) in 2007, a budget of $700 million was granted in support of research, community programs, advocacy, public, and professional education. AHA used the money for research on cardiopulmonary resuscitation training, pacemakers, microsurgery, bypass surgery, life-extending drugs and artificial heart valves.AHA focused on sending out a message emphasizing society to quit smoking, control blood pressure, dieting, be physically active, and make a healthy weight. The AHA is also a provider for first aid. Functions and Responsibilities of American Heart Association According to Stover, E (n. d. ), the AH A is a nonprofit organization and is a voluntary organization funded mostly by donors. The AHA depends on more than 3. 7 million people to carry out its goals and hold up raised over $1 billion since 1949.They create annual goals, taking on the responsibility of reducing heart disease and stroke. For example, in 2009, the goal of the AHA was to reduce smoking, lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. They reduced it by 25% by 2010. The responsibility of the AHA is to divide the organizations responsibilities into seven areas whereas eight main offices operate nationwide. The seven areas imply the office of chief executive, the advocacy division, corporate operations, field operations, healthcare market division, science operations and customer technology strategies, Stover, E (n. . ).The mission of the AHA is Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Stakeholders in the American Heart Association There are a number of stakeholders involved with the American Heart Association. They include volunteers, employees, partners, vendors, and customers. They defraud an important part in the function and day to day operations of the AHA. Without the volunteers and employees, the AHA would cease and the American public would not obtain the latest information on preventing heart disease and stroke disease.Without vendors and partners, the AHA would not find the funds and support to make breakthroughs in further preventing heart disease and stroke disease. Without customers, the AHA would not have information for their studies and research to find new medicines or technology to prevent these diseases. So everyone has an important part to the success and expansion of the AHA. The American Heart Association has been a major influence of the lives of the public both nationally and internationally.They have given the public a better nderstanding of what heart and stroke disease are and the seriousness of these diseases. They also have progra ms and educational material available on what he or she can do as a patient as well as a supporter to make a difference in his or her life and to prevent from getting these diseases. They have classes on CPR and first aid in the event that they encounter someone who is suffering from a heart disease or stroke. I think that without the AHA, there would be a high rate of people destruction from these diseases and people would not know what to do if they come across this disease or prevent it.