Friday, June 14, 2019

What is the purpose of life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

What is the purpose of animation - Essay ExampleThis section is subdivided into three subparts which include religious, atheist, and modernity views on flavour. The literature review presents an argumentative office on the topic as the sources used in this essay have contradicting perspectives with regards to the purpose of life. The conclusion part summarizes the contents of the literature review and presents the authors take on what can possibly be a personal account of the purpose life choice made with regards to the sources. Introduction The purpose of life is a mixture of mental reactions and personal perceptions as people and societies have tried to be productive to occupy their personal needs. Three views exist with regards to the purposes of life and personal perceptions as they affect different portions of the society. For example, the purpose of life with regards to possessions has been projected by societies as the major goal of life as people and the biotic communit y as a whole fight to be successful, productive, and wealthy within the society. On the other hand, an opposing view on the purpose of life goes beyond the possessions that human beings consider to include the spiritual stances that a community believes in. For example, spiritual people live to embrace the guidelines provided by their religions and their goals in life include the net reward of spirituality, life after death. It is obvious that people in a society try to achieve as much as they can to fulfill their desires (Nostra, 12). One of the closely controversial views on the purpose of life comes from an atheist perspective as it sets the benchmark of understanding life and making priorities with regards to life and its rewards. plot of ground Christians and other spiritual denominations appreciate the lives they live as a component of their spirituality, atheists take life as an experiment the human race is subjected to. One of the most phenomenal vies of the atheists is that God has no place in defining the purpose of life as everything in existence is a import of sheer circumstances. The result of all the views regarding the purpose of life is a conflict rather than a solution to the question, what is the purpose of life? Some societies live to thrive in hurt of possessions, others in terms of spirituality, and a nonher group subjects its beliefs to chances as they believe there is no purpose of life. Thesis Statement The purpose of life is a function and an extraction of meaning from routine beliefs that societies have with regards to spirituality, material possessions, and unexplained phenomena perfected by chances. Statement of Problem Understanding the purpose of life is a difficulty undertaking as different societies have different views regarding the purpose of life and life itself. For example, suicide bombers represent part of a society whose believes do not sync with majority of the societys view. Anybody considering death as a functio n of his beliefs can be a subject of misinformation, lack of understanding, or a victim of brainwashing. Therefore, to understand the purpose of life, a decision has to be made amongst spiritual, atheist, and contemporary views (modernity). Objectives To understand the purpose of life, this research does not embark on compositors case studies or sample groups to

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